Seattle Real Estate News

Being your own boss has its ups and downs. Here are some tips to stay motivated: 

1. Start your day on a positive note. Look in the mirror every morning and compliment yourself. Whether it is your outfit or your attitude, self-assurance can go a long way. If you do not believe in yourself then you can't expect others to, so start your day off on a positive and confident note!

2. Make a to-do list and check off your completed tasks. There is nothing new about this idea, but the stats are in and it works! To feel a sense of relief and accomplishment, jot down your daily to-do list at the beginning of the day and cross off each task once you have completed it.

3. Reward yourself. Treat yourself when you've closed a sale or won a new listing. The reward can be as little as getting some ice cream, or as big as taking a vacation. Regardless of what it might be, knowing there is trophy at the end of the finish line will definitely make the race worth running.

4. Speak positive affirmations. Remember the saying, "I think I can, I think I can"? Although this saying comes from a children's book, it serves a purpose for all of us. Repeating positive affirmations can have a powerful effect on the brain and can motivate you far past the task at hand.

5. Do what you can and let go of the rest. To state it simply, some things are in your control while other things are not. You cannot make the sellers accept your buyer's offer, but you can do your very best to make sure you wrote a compelling offer. Focus on what you can control and let go of the rest.

6. Check in with a fellow Realtor. Ask a fellow realtor to share their tasks for the week with you and, in return, share your to-do list with them. Check in with them to see how they are coming along and have them do the same for you. Being accountable and encouraged can help you feel achieved and inspired.

7. Read, listen or watch positive information. There is a plethora of inspirational books and videos out there so surely there is one that fits your taste. From self-improvement to the "secrets" of top producers, if you are looking for a guide to make a change in your life or business, there is likely a resource out there to help you.

8. Think about your accomplishments. You have done some remarkable things in your real estate career that are worthy of being proud of. The next time you're feeling overwhelmed, make a list of all of the great things you have accomplished in your personal and professional lives and tell yourself another big victory is just around the corner. Attitude is everything!

Posted in:self-improvement and tagged: self-improvement
Posted by Sam Kader on March 23rd, 2017 9:15 AM


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